
Stubborn Habits Program

for Farm Family Teams

Because you are on this page, each key partner in your operation/business must have gone through our Stubborn Habits 90-Day Program for the Individual Farmer. This is awesome and congratulations! Now it is time to bring everyone together and focus on the team and the business, creating an environment that you want to work in every day and a business that is stronger.

My process is based on the principles of Six Sigma (i.e., Plan, Do, Check, Improve). I will take this systematic approach as I did for you as an individual in our 90-day program and now focus on applying it to your family farm’s team, your business processes and decision-making, and your overall family and work culture. As before, I won’t be doing this in the conventional way, but one that will work for a hard-working farm like yours.


I used to be known as one of the best mediators in the country. However, I don’t want to be in a situation where everyone is pointing fingers at one another. I want everyone to “know thyself” and to become more self-aware, voluntarily making habit changes that make you become the partner and friend anyone would want to work alongside.

If each partner takes it upon themselves to self-improve (even if only 50% of resolutions stick), then your family’s working environment will be substantially different both day to day and strategically. After having worked with your family as individuals for 90 days and everyone makes roughly 9 little habit changes, then we are off to the best start for sitting down as a group to improve how you work better together as a TEAM. Obviously, I don’t

expect everyone to be perfect (no one is and can be) and you will have struggles to make these common-sense habits stick. However, I need to see an honest effort. Instead of being stubborn with each other, everyone must become stubborn at trying to become the best version of themselves. If everyone sees their partners honestly trying to improve themselves, then you’ll all see a light at the end of the tunnel and know it’s not a train. This major first step is required, before talking about being partners.


After each family member has gone through our 90-day program, we’ll start having joint family meetings whereby we brainstorm ways to improve how you work together as a team. We’ll break down your farm’s goals and use SIX SIGMA to objectively set production goals for each business unit. We’ll then get good at problem solving as a team as to how we can improve business processes to achieve goals without blaming or shaming family.


My ultimate goal is to improve team decision-making and execution. Anything you do to improve these two factors is going to skyrocket the level of farm profitability and strategic growth.

After we’ve spent a few months problem solving production decisions with the business “as is”, I’d like to expand the scope to thinking strategically and discussing opportunities to play the cards you have in your hand (not the ones in the deck) converting your gross income levels to net over the next decade. These bigger strategic discussions require you folks to truly listen to each other and successfully solve problems together FIRST. This is what we work on as individuals and as a team throughout this entire process.

After evolving team decision making, then succession planning (or insert whatever big discussion you are thinking about right now) is a 10X easier discussion!


The same service and tools used in our 90-day program will be utilized again for this team program. You will receive personalized podcasts, weekly one-on-one Zoom calls as needed, weekly/monthly team meetings, and the tracking of your progress within the Boot Journal app.


My standard rate is $300/hour. I will only invoice if your family is satisfied with results each month. If cashflow is tight, we can work out a payment schedule like John Deere credit. We do this because if you adapt to our process, we are confident you’ll be thriving (not just surviving) by 2030!

Our goal is to double your farm’s level of profitability. If we get everyone within your family to listen to each other’s ideas and be able to make (and execute) decisions together 10X better, business profitability and strategic growth will skyrocket. Farming with family becomes fun again!

Copyright 2024 Stubborn.Farm

(Originally Agriculture Strategy LLC)